Interior design for an apartment in the north of Frankfurt

A new resi­den­ti­al area in the north of Frank­furt has emer­ged. Even during the shell of the buil­ding, ama­roo con­cept sup­port­ed our cus­to­mer in sel­ec­ting the instal­led pro­ducts. We were able to crea­te a warm atmo­sphe­re with high-qua­li­ty wall­pa­per and sel­ec­ted lights. We are hap­py about a coher­ent inte­ri­or design con­cept in which our cus­to­mer now feels comfortable.

Cient: Privat
Loca­ti­on: Frank­furt am Main
Area: Flä­che: ca. 180.00 m²
Com­ple­ti­on: 2016