Modern workspaces with style and a creative atmosphere

At ama­roo con­cept, the aim is to crea­te inno­va­ti­ve­workspaces that inspi­re peo­p­le and sup­port their pro­duc­ti­vi­ty. Enga­ged by KanAm Grund Group to design a new mar­ke­ting suite we deve­lo­ped a pro­ject that is now com­ple­ted and loca­ted on Alte Jakobstra­ße in the cen­ter of Berlin.

It show­ca­ses our exper­ti­se in crea­ting dyna­mic worken­vi­ron­ments that pro­mo­te col­la­bo­ra­ti­on and well­be­ing. It is a per­fect space to wel­co­me and show the poten­ti­al of design to visi­tors and future ten­ants with a modern con­cept and a fee­ling of com­fort in a corporateenvironment.

In the lay­out we empha­si­ze the new way of working and crea­te dif­fe­rent sce­na­ri­os for mee­tings, inte­res­t­ing con­nec­tions and con­ver­sa­ti­ons that will take place in this space. Open space, indi­vi­du­al offices or crea­ti­ve mee­ting rooms are some opti­ons to work with, depen­ding on the focus and needs that the spe­ci­fic task will require.

A sur­pri­sing ele­ment is the wall­pa­per with birds, this design­de­cis­i­on is important to defi­ne the iden­ti­ty of the work­place: pro­fes­sio­nal and con­nec­ted to the zeit­geist of art and fashion, after all the work­place should moti­va­te the good work.

A peach pink car­pet runs throug­hout the hall­way, again crea­ting a con­nec­tion bet­ween all the spaces and a sur­pri­sing ele­ment, as it is not a con­ven­tio­nal color, but still very warm and con­tem­po­ra­ry. The color con­cept is based on warm and neu­tral tones such as white, black and warm gray com­bi­ned with green and peachy pink tones in an ele­gant way.

The office is all visual­ly con­nec­ted and still has pri­va­cy, as we use ele­ments such as curta­ins, glass walls and slat­ted panels as divi­ders. The ele­gant touch is repre­sen­ted by the high-qua­li­ty fur­ni­tu­re, the light­ing con­cept and the woo­den panels that com­ple­ment the designconcept.

A long bench by the win­dows was desi­gned to pro­vi­de opti­ons for workers to enjoy the view during a break or a pho­ne call, almost as if the exte­ri­or were actual­ly part of the office. The kit­chen has a calm and wel­co­ming atmo­sphe­re, with ide­al light­ing and a uni­que pink vel­vet bench, whe­re users will have a space for meals and also infor­mal meetings.

Cli­ent: KanAm Grund Group
Loca­ti­on: Berlin
Area: approx. 290 m²
Com­ple­ti­on: 2024
Engi­nee­ring: Eich­ner und Part­ner Inge­nieu­re EUP GmbH
Pho­to­grapher: Pas­cal Rohé