Corporate Design and Planning of an Entire Floor in Tower 185

In accordance with the cor­po­ra­te iden­ti­ty of the com­pa­ny, we have fur­nis­hed ele­gant and func­tion­al work­places in com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ve open spaces as well as in sin­gle and dou­ble offices, retre­ats and loun­ges with the appro­pria­te colour sche­me, matching mate­ri­als, fix­tures and design elements.

The cor­po­ra­te colours grey and blue run like a gui­de­line through the enti­re flo­or of Tower 185, and we have incor­po­ra­ted them with sel­ec­ted nuan­ces in fur­nis­hings, wall colours and access­ories. The CORESTATE Capi­tal Group logo can be found in the con­fe­rence rooms and recep­ti­on area as an aes­the­ti­cal­ly plea­sing wall design ele­ment — a reco­gni­ti­on value for cus­to­mers and employees ali­ke. Glos­sy and matt alter­na­te again and again, crea­ting a plea­sant, posi­ti­ve working envi­ron­ment in a dis­creet way.

For the design of the glass par­ti­ti­on walls, we have deve­lo­ped our own design in which we have inte­gra­ted pho­to­graphs of objects that the com­pa­ny super­vi­ses. The “tras­hy” look of this extra­va­gant design breaks through the other­wi­se calm and rather redu­ced design of the office flo­or as an exci­ting contrast.

The employees retre­at to the exclu­si­ve­ly equip­ped kit­chen with its lar­ge dining coun­ter and inte­gra­ted lounge area, all in fresh, clear white, com­bi­ned with Nor­dic blue tones in the form of com­for­ta­ble sea­ting fur­ni­tu­re. In addi­ti­on, the­re are various ele­gant grey ele­ments. A high­light is the indi­vi­du­al­ly made pho­to wall­pa­per with an ori­gi­nal Lon­don street graf­fi­ti by our pho­to­grapher “Lil­ly”, which com­mu­ni­ca­tes the company’s local branch.

Cli­ent: CORESTATE Capi­tal Group
Loca­ti­on: Frank­furt am Main, Tower 185
Size: approx. 900 m²
Com­ple­ti­on: 2016