Interior design for an international law firm in Frankfurt a.M.

An inter­na­tio­nal law firm was accom­pa­nied and desi­gned by ama­roo con­cept to an inter­nal relo­ca­ti­on in the Nex­tower in Frank­furt am Main from the begin­ning to the rea­li­sa­ti­on. An opti­mi­sed occu­p­an­cy plan cove­ring 4 flo­ors was the basis for the design of a holi­stic inte­ri­or design con­cept. A com­pre­hen­si­ve cor­po­ra­te design was deve­lo­ped by ama­roo con­cept for an area of approx. 4,200 m², which com­mu­ni­ca­tes an ele­gant and tim­e­l­ess atmo­sphe­re with a sen­si­ti­ve colour sche­me, matching mate­ri­als and indi­vi­du­al fix­tures. In addi­ti­on to func­tion­al work­places, libra­ri­es and open spaces, the empha­sis was to design the con­fe­rence flo­or, whe­re inter­na­tio­nal cli­ents and visi­tors are welcomed.

The CI colour grey has been inte­gra­ted into the con­cept on all flo­ors in various shades with dif­fe­rent sur­faces such as micro­ce­ment, high-qua­li­ty and car­pent­ries and wall­pa­pers. In the recep­ti­on area, it is accen­tua­ted by a bright and wel­co­ming colour yel­low. We have dis­creet­ly adopted the slight­ly con­s­truc­tion­ist design lan­guage of the buil­ding into the con­cept and trans­fer­red it to the inte­ri­or with indi­vi­du­al designs — such as the dyna­mic recep­ti­on coun­ter and the side­boards. For recep­ti­ons and events the­re are also two roof ter­races of over 400 m² available, which are of cour­se part of the over­all con­cept. Here you have a won­derful view of the city, which under­lines the inter­na­tio­nal cha­rac­ter of the firm.

Cli­ent: Inter­na­tio­nal law firm Frank­furt a. M.
Loca­ti­on: Frank­furt am Main, Nextower
Size: approx. 4,283 m², 428 m² roof terrace
Com­ple­ti­on: 2017