New office floors for Lexmark Deutschland GmbH

Lex­mark Deutsch­land GmbH has moved its head­quar­ters to Neu-Isen­burg. We have accom­pa­nied this pro­cess from the first sketch, the deve­lo­p­ment of a new cor­po­ra­te design to the rea­li­sa­ti­on and fur­nis­hing of four new office flo­ors. Each of the flo­ors appears in a dif­fe­rent colour world, which refers in each case to the CI colours of the enter­pri­se. The over­all colour con­cept with a dis­creet, ele­gant grey is com­bi­ned with the colours green, blue, oran­ge and yel­low. The colours defi­ne the space and under­line the cor­po­ra­te design for visi­tors and employees.

Our design con­cept addres­ses aspects of Lex­mark Deutsch­land GmbH’s new focus on “eco­lo­gy and sus­taina­bi­li­ty”. The abs­tract design of a leaf struc­tu­re, adopted as a wall design and adapt­ed to the respec­ti­ve CI colours on each flo­or, sym­bo­li­zes the pro­xi­mi­ty to natu­re. It also crea­tes a uni­form image as a con­nec­ting ele­ment bet­ween the flo­ors and ensu­res visu­al reco­gni­ti­on. The working envi­ron­ment in the employee loun­ges, open-space are­as, dou­ble and indi­vi­du­al offices, con­fe­rence rooms and com­mon are­as is modern and fle­xi­ble. The sel­ec­ted fur­ni­tu­re design is also based on the CI gui­de­lines and con­veys a Scan­di­na­vi­an look.

We also achie­ve a high degree of reco­gni­ti­on through the deve­lo­p­ment of our “signage and typo­gra­phy con­cept”: the rhom­bus taken from the logo and adapt­ed to the colour of each storey defi­nes the indi­vi­du­al are­as of the office flo­ors. It ser­ves as a gui­dance sys­tem for ori­en­ta­ti­on and gui­des employees and visi­tors through the rooms and flo­ors. For the design of the con­fe­rence rooms in a sepa­ra­te wing, the Lex­mark-Werk: The Art of Num­bers — Cor­po­ra­te Cul­tu­re was trend-set­ting. Sty­li­stic ele­ments from this were used for wall design in the­se are­as over­si­zed and as a gui­dance system.

Cli­ent: Lex­mark Ger­ma­ny GmbH
Loca­ti­on: Neu-Isenburg
Area: 4 floors
Com­ple­ti­on: 2015