Contemporary workspace where functionality meets well-being

KanAm Grund Group enga­ged ama­roo con­cept to plan and design a new mar­ke­ting suite for the Kon­tor­haus in the Cen­tral Busi­ness Dis­trict of Frankfurt.

Our goal was to wel­co­me and show the poten­ti­al of the space to visi­tors and future ten­ants with a con­tem­po­ra­ry design con­cept, whe­re Indus­tri­al style meets Art Déco and also intro­du­ce them to the new way of working envi­ron­ment. What is alre­a­dy com­mon­place for many office users can yet repre­sent some­thing com­ple­te­ly new with major chal­lenges for many companies.

Home­ly ele­ments are com­bi­ned with func­tion­al office fur­ni­tu­re and refres­hed it with a natu­ral gree­n­ery. The refe­rence to natu­re thus meets the cur­rent demands of “Well Being” and at the same time empha­si­zes the visu­al axis and con­nects the dif­fe­rent zones within the office space.

The pro­ject has a lar­ge mee­ting room, lounge spaces, open kit­chen, and fle­xi­ble work­sta­tions such as the wai­ting room that can also be used for 1‑to‑1 mee­tings. The open space con­cept with inte­gra­ted envi­ron­ments ensu­res pri­va­cy and effi­ci­en­cy at the same time, thanks to the use of par­ti­ti­ons, shel­ves, acou­stic ele­ments and glass walls, which can be recon­fi­gu­red accor­ding to each lay­out or situa­ti­on of use.

The Mar­ke­ting Lounge shows cur­rent trends of today’s office worlds with dif­fe­rent func­tion­al pos­si­bi­li­ties of the fur­ni­tu­re and dif­fe­rent are­as in which con­scious employees will be able to app­re­cia­te. The lounge area con­sists of an open kit­chen with a kit­chen island for high stools, which crea­te a rela­xed atmo­sphe­re for meals, quick mee­tings and also busi­ness events.

The use of wood, fabrics and bricks com­ple­ment the fee­ling of com­fort in the cor­po­ra­te envi­ron­ment. Wall­pa­per with an abs­tract “Art Déco” moti­ve adds some­thing spe­cial to the office space, which is com­ple­men­ted by matching light­ing fix­tures and accessories.

In our colour con­cept, we com­bi­ne clas­sic neu­tral tones such as white, black and warm grey with various shades of green. At the same time, ama­roo con­cept and the owner sought to retain the charm of bricks the exte­ri­or faca­de and trans­fer it to the inte­ri­or, which is com­ple­men­ted by the exte­ri­or view: the sky­line of Frankfurt.

Cli­ent: KanAm Grund Group
Loca­ti­on: Frank­furt am Main
Area: approx. a. ca. 150 m²
Com­ple­ti­on: 2023
Pho­to­grapher: Klaus Helbig