New marketing suite for the office building LINK

Recent­ly we fina­li­zed the design of the Mar­ke­ting Suite LINK in Frankfurt.

The idea was to crea­te a space with the pre­sence of natu­ral ele­ments, such as plants, woo­den panels and hand­ma­de woo­den pro­ducts. At the ent­rance, ren­de­rings are dis­play­ed to show the result of the buil­ding and a dyna­mic wall with samples of finis­hes that cli­ents can sel­ect from.

Fur­ni­tu­re com­po­si­ti­ons with roun­ded edges bring move­ment into the lay­out and make the space invi­ting. We used Cube Plan­ted as a room divi­der sepa­ra­ting the dif­fe­rent are­as ele­gant­ly and modern!

A high­light of the pro­ject is a beau­tiful pen­dant over the mee­ting table, which crea­tes a spe­cial atmo­sphe­re for the con­fe­rence area.

Cli­ent: Insti­tu­tio­nal Investor
Loca­ti­on: Frank­furt am Main
Area: approx. a. 200 m²
Com­ple­ti­on: 2022
Pho­to­grapher: Klaus Helbig