Design Concept for Novotel Zurich City West

Inspi­red by the cur­rent trend of “Colour Blo­cking” the new Hotel­rooms are show­ca­sing exact­ly this — visual­ly detached living worlds which still flow into each other to crea­te a har­mo­nic living area for every guest.

We have used the power of colour to sepa­ra­te the workspace from the slee­ping area to crea­te a strong state­ment. The smo­key petrol blue area defi­nes the Work- and Lounge Area giving the illu­si­on of a gene­rous and sepa­ra­te space just like at home.

Cus­to­mi­zed fur­ni­tu­re and luxu­rious details in lea­ther, wood and steel have been indi­vi­du­al­ly desi­gned to crea­te a high-qua­li­ty atmo­sphe­re of charm, tran­quil­li­ty and effi­ci­en­cy. A plea­sant place for busi­ness­peo­p­le or fami­lies loo­king for­ward to a rela­xing and unfor­gettable stay in Zurich.

Cli­ent: Accor­In­vest Ger­ma­ny GmbH
Loca­ti­on: Zurich City-West
Com­ple­ti­on: 2019