A friendly and flexible space with modern corporate language!

ama­roo con­cept was com­mis­sio­ned to design the TV stu­dio for Alli­anz Glo­bal Inves­tors GmbH: a fle­xi­ble space with a tim­e­l­ess design for the pro­duc­tion of inter­nal web­i­nars, inter­views and video recor­dings. Con­tem­po­ra­ry design fur­ni­tu­re rein­forces the mes­sa­ge of pro­fes­sio­na­lism and qua­li­ty — assets app­re­cia­ted by the com­pa­ny. To allow a fle­xi­ble use of the TV stu­dio, we desi­gned the fur­ni­tu­re in colour-matching variations.

The dia­go­nal acou­stic woo­den panels of the back wall enhan­ce the visu­al dyna­mics and acou­stic com­fort, while inte­gra­ted flat screens allow for fle­xi­ble use of the TV stu­dio. LED lines in the back­ground reflect moder­ni­ty and effi­ci­en­cy of the com­pa­ny. It was an inte­res­t­ing joint pro­cess with Alli­anz Glo­bal Inves­tors GmbH to deve­lop the new inter­nal TV stu­dio and thus make an important con­tri­bu­ti­on to the new working world.

Cli­ent: Alli­anz Glo­bal Inves­tors GmbH
Loca­ti­on: Frank­furt am Main
Size: approx. 25 m²
Com­ple­ti­on: 2022