“Hidden Structures”

The begin­ning of sum­mer­ti­me made Ama­roo con­cept and mondello:büroeinrichtung want to have a sum­mer par­ty tog­e­ther. In the very spe­cial atmo­sphe­re of the UFO, we show­ed our cus­to­mers and art lovers inte­res­t­ing works by three sel­ec­ted artists: Wolf­gang Flad, Hen­rik Zim­mer and Ulli Böh­mel­mann on an area of 500 sqm.

The expo­sed con­cre­te of the buil­ding pro­vi­ded a very spe­cial and sui­ta­ble back­ground for the various works. A won­derful and suc­cessful exhi­bi­ti­on which inspi­red all visi­tors and which we would like to repeat in a rela­xed atmosphere.

Loca­ti­on: Frank­furt am Main
Area: 250 qm
Event: 2014