Architecture and interior design for a private villa

In Portugal’s lush gree­n­ery, this con­tem­po­ra­ry vil­la is being built, enti­re­ly in line with the con­cept of “well-being”, with space for per­so­nal needs far away from mass tourism.

A dyna­mic archi­tec­tu­re, con­s­truc­ted on a hills­i­de plot, with ori­en­ta­ti­on to breath­ta­king sun­ri­ses and sun­sets. The faca­de, which is lar­ge­ly clo­sed to the north and south, forms space for are­as of retre­at and pri­va­cy. On the east and west side, high glass sur­faces open the house to the lar­ge pool area and unbe­lie­va­ble views over the valley.

The heart of the house is the spa­cious living and dining room with cus­tom-made fix­tures. High-qua­li­ty and dura­ble mate­ri­als are com­bi­ned with natu­ral ele­ments throug­hout the pro­per­ty to crea­te a feel-good cha­rac­ter in every way.

In Col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with:

Archi­tec­tu­re: Tia­go Bar­ros Studio
Pho­to­graph: Flo­ri­an Luschnig
Cli­ent: Pri­va­te
Loca­ti­on: Algarve/Portugal
Size: 300 qm
Com­ple­ti­on: May 2022