Corporate design and office planning of the new office floor in Tower 185

The 900 qm office flo­or in Tower 185 was to be desi­gned gene­rous­ly, open­ly, thoughtful­ly, har­mo­nious­ly, bright­ly and fri­end­ly in order to crea­te a gene­rous office ambi­ence that would reflect the high demands of the glo­bal inves­tor on his own acti­vi­ties, his glo­bal under­stan­ding, the high esteem for cus­to­mers and employees in the design of the rooms, in the choice of colours, forms and fur­nis­hings. With a com­ple­te­ly free hand for plan­ning and brain­stor­ming, we have incor­po­ra­ted the company’s exis­ting archi­tec­tu­re and cor­po­ra­te design to crea­te space, light, tran­quil­li­ty, dis­cre­ti­on, ele­gan­ce and atmo­sphe­re, crea­ting open workspaces that still offer many oppor­tu­ni­ties for con­cen­tra­ted work.

From colours, shapes, choice of mate­ri­als, own and indi­vi­du­al­ly desi­gned designs up to the access­ories we have left not­hing to chan­ce. The result is a har­mo­nious over­all con­cept and a very spe­cial ambi­ence who­se posi­ti­ve atmo­sphe­re can be expe­ri­en­ced imme­dia­te­ly in all are­as of work. A gene­rous ent­rance area opens access and view into the invi­ting mee­ting point. From here, the other rooms can be acces­sed: open work­sta­tions, divi­ded into quiet lounge spaces and inte­gra­ted think tanks, as well as lar­ge, sepa­ra­te con­fe­rence rooms and pant­ries as retre­ats for breaks. The work­places are desi­gned in such a way that every employee can work in a pro­tec­ted yet com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ve area. The indi­vi­du­al offices are sepa­ra­ted by glass par­ti­ti­ons with semi-trans­pa­rent foil desi­gned by us at vie­w­ing height, wit­hout exclu­ding them from the over­all room concept.

Much warm white, com­bi­ned with soft grey and beige tones — from the wall colour to the flo­or cove­rings and the com­ple­te fur­nis­hings — trans­port a func­tion­al and simp­le, but nevert­hel­ess warm and ele­gant, very dis­creet and har­mo­nious atmo­sphe­re with a lot of bright­ness and tran­quil­li­ty. The green of the cor­po­ra­te design as a reco­gni­ti­on fea­ture appears again and again as a refres­hing clip.

The designs of the visu­al par­ti­ti­ons deve­lo­ped by us are repea­ted as wall­pa­per pat­terns or are mil­led into the cabi­net casing. The spe­ci­al­ly desi­gned built-in ward­ro­be, which runs com­ple­te­ly through the office flo­or, is a very spe­cial high­light. Func­tion­al­ly and attrac­tively desi­gned work­sta­tions, typo­gra­phic ele­ments that ser­ve as design ele­ments and sel­ec­ted fur­nis­hings and access­ories crea­te a spe­cial, har­mo­nious working atmosphere.

Cli­ent: CBRE Glo­bal Inves­tors Ger­ma­ny GmbH
Loca­ti­on: Frank­furt am Main, Tower 185
Area: approx. 800 m²
Com­ple­ti­on: 2013