“GLORY — JOY — CHILL” — under the­se terms the relaunch of the buil­ding com­plex “die Wel­le” in Frank­furt am Main was new­ly mar­ke­ted — and so the­se terms were to be com­mu­ni­ca­ted to poten­ti­al cus­to­mers and visi­tors in an appe­al­ing and atten­ti­on-grab­bing way, espe­ci­al­ly in the 600 sqm mar­ke­ting suite of the property.

Asso­cia­ti­ons, fresh colours, har­mo­ni­s­ing shapes, mate­ri­als and surfaces:

As a spe­cial high­light, the let­te­ring was embedded as illu­mi­na­ted, over­si­zed let­ters in the flo­or of the sam­ple flo­or and simul­ta­neous­ly reflec­ted in the cei­ling. When choo­sing the colour, we opted for sil­ver in the GLORY design — JOY appears in fresh green tones and CHILL is sym­bo­li­zed by a soot­hing beige tone.

With JOY and CHILL we also asso­cia­te the pro­xi­mi­ty to natu­re. As a sym­bol for this asso­cia­ti­on, over­si­zed car­pets have been laid out in the rooms as a gui­ding sys­tem. We have also taken up and con­tin­ued the play with sca­le in the sel­ec­tion of over­si­zed flo­or lamps, both “ever­y­day objects” are thus beco­ming inde­pen­dent art objects.

Design fur­ni­tu­re in soft forms not only sup­ports the mes­sa­ge con­vey­ed by the terms GLORY — JOY — CHILL, it also picks up on the cuba­tu­re of the buil­ding, thus brin­ging the for­mal lan­guage of the exte­ri­or into the inte­ri­or and crea­ting a con­nec­tion to the over­all design con­cept in the inte­ri­or and exte­ri­or areas.

Cli­ent: AXA Invest­ment Mana­gers Deutsch­land GmbH
Loca­ti­on: Frank­furt am Main
Sur­face: approx. 600 m²
Com­ple­ti­on: 2013