Office and coffee shop

A café with a pho­to stu­dio was crea­ted in the U.F.O office buil­ding in Frank­furt. The aim of the inte­ri­or design was to com­bi­ne both of the photographer’s pas­si­ons within the pre­mi­ses — to give coo­king and pho­to­gra­phy a space!

The result is open spaces whe­re the photographer’s own work can be exhi­bi­ted and visi­tors can be fed in the café. Other agen­ci­es can also use the mee­ting rooms with over­si­zed white trees as wall design — which con­trast with the strong expo­sed concrete.

Cli­ent: Foot & Shoot
Loca­ti­on: Frank­furt am Main
Size: ca. 600 m²
Com­ple­ti­on: 2015