New Club­house for the Mainz Golf Club

In the art­work of natu­re — A design con­cept for the Mainz Golf Club

“The inte­ri­or design of the Mainz Golf Club is inspi­red by the beau­tiful sur­roun­dings and the pro­xi­mi­ty to the quarry.Now out­side and insi­de mer­ge in an abs­tract way and natu­re finds its way into the inte­ri­or in the form of sel­ec­ted mate­ri­als — instal­la­ti­ve and informative.

“A uni­que place” — this is the cre­do of the Main­zer Golf­club — and visi­tors should feel this even when ente­ring the buil­ding for the first time! In order to com­mu­ni­ca­te this, visi­tors are recei­ved and gui­ded with lar­ge-for­mat pic­tures of the golf cour­se in the form of the “Histo­ry Wall” — the golf cour­se is trans­por­ted into the inte­ri­or! The enti­re wall tells the sto­ry of the golf club and is staged as a kind of instal­la­ti­on with stools in the form of over­si­zed peb­bles — invi­ting visi­tors to linger.

Beige and white as ele­gant basic colours are sup­port­ed by the various shades of green in the sur­roun­dings and the cor­po­ra­te iden­ti­ty of the Mainz golf club. Colours that, accor­ding to the psy­cho­lo­gy of colour, have a cal­ming effect and help the visi­tor to calm down. The har­mo­nious over­all con­cept lives through many sui­ta­ble details, sel­ec­ted mate­ri­als, tex­tures and a plea­sant light, which as an essen­ti­al com­po­nent of the design accom­pa­nies the rou­ting, stages the room and offers dif­fe­rent atmospheres.

The ent­rance area is clear and fresh — the restau­rant and lounge are cosy and warm. Com­bi­na­ti­ons of Scan­di­na­vi­an design, wood, lea­ther and Cor­ten steel pro­vi­de the dis­cer­ning gol­fer with a feel-good ambi­ence. Sel­ec­ted wall sur­faces such as the wall­pa­per in stone look form the design refe­rence to the quar­ry — pho­to­graphs by Audrey Hepb­urn and Mickey Roo­ney wel­co­me in the chan­ging rooms — a homage to sport and a con­nec­tion to history.

We have fal­len in love with this place and would like to express this with our design concept.

Cli­ent: Main­zer Golf­club GmbH & Co. KG
Loca­ti­on: Budenheim
Size: ca. 900qm
Com­ple­ti­on: 2017