Decoration, art and design for a new marketing suite in Frankfurt – the MainOffice

ama­roo con­cept was com­mis­sio­ned with the deco­ra­ti­on and fur­ther design of the mar­ke­ting suite for the reno­va­ted Main­Of­fice office buil­ding in Frank­furt. Young and fresh design ide­as sup­port the atmo­sphe­re of the reno­va­ted buil­ding – pre­sen­ting new workspaces.

Wood com­bi­ned with green and blue tones on wall­pa­pers, art­work and fur­ni­tu­re rein­forces the con­cept in a very balan­ced way.

We always love to incor­po­ra­te art to bring iden­ti­ty to our pro­jects. Made from a coll­ec­tion of oran­ge papers — which the artist from Ham­burg found while tra­vel­ling in many count­ries — the papers are fami­li­ar: they crack­le, tear quick­ly and are colourful­ly prin­ted. With moti­ves from ano­ther time: ani­mals, names or sou­thern land­scapes the coll­ec­tion is cho­sen in a matching colour con­cept and a spe­cial con­stel­la­ti­ons. A ran­dom arran­ge­ment is inte­res­t­ing in this open space area and defi­nes the wall.

Cli­ent: Insti­tu­tio­nal Investor
Loca­ti­on: Frank­furt am Main
Area: approx. a. 400 m²
Com­ple­ti­on: 2022
Pho­to­grapher: Klaus Helbig