Interior design for the Novotel München Messe

The design for the inte­ri­or archi­tec­tu­re of the hotel room for Novo­tel Mün­chen Mes­se was inspi­red by con­tem­po­ra­ry and scan­di­na­vi­an design – “Modern meets Hyg­ge” — and takes into con­side­ra­ti­on the rapid­ness we all live in.

After a long working day or an exci­ting sight­see­ing tour, the desi­re for peace and rela­xa­ti­on is gre­at. Cos­tu­mers would also like to feel spe­cial; they like to see new inspi­ring places fit­ted out with high qua­li­ty fur­nis­hings, sty­lish designs and the latest tech­no­lo­gy matching their needs.

The new rooms com­bi­ne all that, they are sophisti­ca­ted, smart and com­for­ta­ble — a beau­tiful desi­gned space. Whe­ther busi­ness or pri­va­te tra­vel­lers, the colour con­cept – warm and soft shades of grey, help ever­yo­ne to feel com­for­ta­ble. The play of “matt” and “glos­sy” and the dif­fe­rent struc­tures and tex­tures of the high-qua­li­ty pro­ducts give the room a lot of ele­gan­ce and delight the visi­tors with sophisti­ca­ted demands. It was important to us to crea­te an atmo­sphe­re that is both modern and har­mo­nious for the visi­tors – making them feel like at home.

Cli­ent: Accor­In­vest Ger­ma­ny GmbH
Loca­ti­on: München
Sur­face: approx. 8.000 m²
Com­ple­ti­on: 2019