A design con­cept for the Expo Real 2019 trade fair stand 

Par­ti­ci­pa­ting at an exhi­bi­ti­on is an important part for young as well as estab­lished com­pa­nies. To extend the cus­to­mer base, ama­roo con­cept was asked by Accor­In­vest, one of the lar­gest ope­ra­tors and inves­tors in the real estate sec­tor, to design and imple­ment a distinc­ti­ve exhi­bi­ti­on presence.

No other trade fair is more sui­ta­ble for this pur­po­se than Expo Real in Munich, which is the lar­gest exhi­bi­ti­on for real estate and inves­tors in Euro­pe. Due to its pro­xi­mi­ty to the hotel, the approach stand was clear: to crea­te a com­pact design with a com­pre­hen­si­ve over­view of the company’s ran­ge of pro­ducts and services.

The stand was divi­ded into three are­as: the wel­co­me zone, the cof­fee area, and a lounge cor­ner. To crea­te a com­pre­hen­si­ve feel-good atmo­sphe­re and qua­li­ty of stay with hotel cha­rac­ter ama­roo con­cept focu­sed on authen­ti­ci­ty, func­tion­a­li­ty, and con­tem­po­ra­ry mate­ri­als such as wall­pa­per, marb­le, and wood in com­bi­na­ti­on with light accents.

Cli­ent: Accor­In­vest Ger­ma­ny GmbH
Loca­ti­on: Mes­se München
Com­ple­ti­on: 2019