
The suc­cessful manu­fac­tu­rer of the high-qua­li­ty WINI office fur­ni­tu­re ope­ned a new show­room for its dea­lers and end cus­to­mers in the Frank­furt am Main area in order to effec­tively pre­sent the unu­su­al exclu­si­ve fur­ni­tu­re in an equal­ly unu­su­al ambi­ence. We have trans­for­med a for­mer warehouse with loft cha­rac­ter into an unu­su­al show­room in which the manufacturer’s pro­ducts are vivid­ly presented.

The “Shab­by chic” of the old hall was pre­ser­ved, but the loft was brought back to life with fresh colours. The “forest” design of the bleux design stu­dio, indi­vi­du­al­ly adapt­ed to the wall size, under­lines the desi­red con­trast bet­ween old and new in cool grey tones and gives the ambi­ence a very spe­cial atmosphere.

The pre­sen­ta­ti­on area shows today’s various office worlds such as open-space are­as with height-adjus­ta­ble work­sta­tions, modern mee­ting points and inte­gra­ted sound effec­ti­ve lounge fur­ni­tu­re in fresh colours and shapes.

Cli­ent: WINI Büro­mö­bel Georg Schmidt GmbH & Co. KG
Loca­ti­on: Frank­furt am Main
Size: Neu­er Show­room für WINI
Com­ple­ti­on: 2019